7 reasons why good design is good business

Good design is good business. This is primarily because humans are visual beings. We process visual data quickly, remember images, and what we see has a huge impact on what we do and what we feel. We perceive beautiful as better. This is why good graphic design can make your business more successful.

Humans exhibit two highly innate traits – we are visual creatures and irrational thinkers, both at the same time. Our thoughts, feelings, actions and even decisions are subconsciously dominated by how we perceive the visual appeal of a product or a brand.’ – Geet Bagrodia

But good design is more than just about how something looks, it’s about how it works. Whether it’s graphic design, web design, architecture, industrial design or any other design stream.

Despite all the evidence, good graphic design is often undervalued by small business owners. Many seeing professional design services as an unnecessary expense, rather than an investment to add value to their business. The reality is that in today’s market, quality design isn’t an optional add-on, it’s an essential part of good business strategy.

Not convinced? Then read on for my seven reasons why good design is good for your business.

1. It differentiates your business.

A well-designed brand firmly differentiates your business from competitors. Good design supports your positioning and personality to appeal to your target market. It is critical to establishing your brand identity, helping you stand out and be unique.

2. It creates a strong first impression.

First impressions count. In the saturated digital world people are quick to judge. So you often only have a few seconds to make a favourable impression on a potential customer. Good design helps make a positive first impression. And a lasting one.

3. It makes your business visible and memorable.

Good design ensures you stand out and attract attention. If you don’t get noticed you don’t make sales. Good design helps you go beyond that important first impression to get potential customers to recognise and recall you later. And importantly, to engage with your business (e.g. to click through from your socials). We know the number of touchpoints with a potential customer to make a sale can be as high as 20, so being visible and memorable is critical.

4. It makes communication more effective.

Further to grabbing and sustaining attention, good design is about communication – getting messages understood by your target market clearly and quickly. This includes clear information hierarchy, so the most important messages are read first. As well as ensuring readability and legibility of the information. Visually representing information or data with infographics also aids communication and interest.

5. Consistency equals credibility.

Brand consistency adds to business credibility. Good design ensures your visual identity is the same across all of your touchpoints. Consistency gives the perception of being successful, reliable and better quality. Inconsistency looks haphazard, inefficient and unprofessional. Visual consistency is an essential part of good communication strategy.

6. It builds customer connection and trust.

Good design – aesthetics and function – creates positive emotional connections with your brand. Your visual identity becomes strongly associated with people’s experience of your brand – their feelings and thoughts. Positive customer experiences builds an emotional connection and trust in your business.

7. It makes you money.

Good design increases perceived value, as well as conversions and sales. Standing out and being memorable, credible and trustworthy all signal to customers that they should buy from you.

Research in Australia and overseas has shown that organisations who use design (in its many forms) are more successful. A key finding of research into the design industry and design use, commissioned by the Victorian Government was ‘the use of design is linked with profitability.’

So there you have it. Good design is good for your business.

If you need help with good design to make your business more profitable, please get in touch with me.

Nichole Maybury